Prayer for Judgement Meaning:
Prayer for Judgement meaning when handling traffic matters, North Carolina has a unique option to resolve a citation. Every time we go to court, we observe misuse of PJCs by individuals who represent themselves without fully understanding what the term means, its necessity, or how it functions in a traffic matter. In North Carolina, a “PJC” stands for “Prayer for Judgment Continued.”
Not every traffic matter calls for the use of a PJC. It can be used in criminal matters, but it’s most often requested in traffic situations.
Prayer for Judgment Meaning:
(PJC) Prayers for Judgement Continued
Traffic Offenses:
A PJC is typically utilized in cases involving minor traffic violations, such as speeding or running a stop sign. This option allows for deferred judgment, meaning that when a defendant pleads guilty or is found guilty, the judge may opt to enter a PJC instead of a final judgment.
Deferred Judgment:
With a PJC, the court essentially withholds entering a final judgment of conviction against the defendant. This means that the defendant avoids points on their driving record and the usual consequences of a conviction. However, it is important to note that it still counts as a conviction on the defendant’s criminal record.
Conditions of a PJC:
The court may impose certain conditions when granting a PJC, such as completing a driving course or avoiding further traffic violations during a specified period. The defendant must adhere to these conditions to benefit from the PJC.
Limited Use:
In North Carolina, there are limitations on how frequently a defendant can use a PJC for traffic offenses within a specific time frame. Exceeding these limits may result in more severe penalties. A PJC may be used once within three years to avoid insurance points and twice within five years to avoid driver’s license points. This ultimately helps in preventing a rate increase and losing your license.
How It Works:
If you receive a speeding ticket for driving 20 mph over the speed limit in a school zone, you’re facing a $250 fine, court costs, points on your license, and an increase in your insurance premium. By requesting and being granted a PJC, the fines are not imposed, and you will avoid points on your license or insurance. However, you will still need to pay court costs.
Impact on Subsequent Offenses:
If you have a PJC and receive another driving offense during the specified period, you won’t need to pay the fine or receive license points from the previous ticket, even if a second PJC is not granted.
For families, if one member uses a PJC, others on the same insurance policy may face increased insurance rates if another PJC is not available. In such cases, we can fight the ticket to prevent record points and excessive insurance rates.
Prayer for Judgement Meaning Conclusion
Understanding Prayer for Judgment meaning is crucial when dealing with traffic offenses in North Carolina. By being aware of how PJCs work and their limitations, you can make informed decisions and potentially avoid higher insurance rates and additional penalties.
For personalized legal assistance, contact Barham McCoy, PLLC to ensure your traffic matter is handled effectively.